Thursday, June 11, 2015

Life Skills (Engage your Core)

The core is defined as "the central or innermost part, the basic or most important part, the crucial element or essence." (
Recently I have been focusing on engaging my core during certain physical activities, and exercising my core more regularly and with greater intensity.  This led me to consider my metaphorical core; my spiritual core.  What is the crucial element, or essence, of my being?  What I am truly made of?
With this self-reflection, I have come to realize that I am often weak-willed, impatient, and I have a tendency towards escapism.  I have big goals and dreams, but my daily actions were not in alignment with my vision of the future.  In the future, I want to win mountain bike races, but in the past I was drinking beer and staying up late.  In the future, I want to be a famous artist, but in the past I was not creating or promoting my art.  In the future, I want to be financially successful and secure, but in the past I was making frivolous purchases and not keeping track of my finances.  The list goes on and on.  All of these inconsistencies were creating inner conflict, and it was making me more miserable than I would care to admit.
However, I'm not here to beat myself up.  I'm here to make positive and lasting improvements to myself, and to help others do the same.  I realized that many of these issues came down to core strength.  At the core of my being, I was undetermined and weak-willed.  Now I am determined to do the work.  I am determined to develop the strength of my will, and I can do this every day.  Any little task that I do not want to do, I look at it as a will power test.  With this in mind, it is easy to do the dishes, get the laundry done and take the trash out.  As my inner strength grows, it becomes easy to do difficult things as well, because I have faith in my power and my ability to persevere.
I am connecting this metaphorical core strength development with my physical training.  I have started to focus on my core when I am doing my other activities (skiing, cycling, juggling, yoga, sexercise, etc.).  Core strength is the foundation of all physical talents.  And while great skill can be achieved without great core strength, these skills will be taken to the next level with a strong core.  So I now see my core exercises as not only a means to create a strong body, but also a pathway to a strong inner core, a powerful essence.
From the core of my being,
Alec Falle Hamilton
My other links:
Funk Roberts!  Core Bodyweight Exercises
Artist Website:
My other art products (duvet covers, pillows, cell phone cases etc.):
5 Steps to Success Online:

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