Here are some fundamental differences between wealthy people and poor people. Great news, we are in control of all of these behaviors! Here are Eight of the contrasting mindsets of the rich and the poor:
Number One: Rich people think Big, Poor people think small. For instance, a poor person will spend valuable time and energy trying to save a couple bucks at the grocery store, while a rich person will spend that time cultivating their personal value, so that they don’t have to worry about a couple dollars.
Number Two: Rich people focus on opportunities, Poor people focus on obstacles. Life is full of both, but we can choose which one to focus and act upon. Every day, I feel deep gratitude for the opportunity to work for myself, to be an artist and an entrepreneur, and to create the freedom that I desire (not deserve). You see, feeling like I deserved to be wealthy was actually keeping me from taking action and being in control of my own life. The Universe does not care if you are rich, or poor, or in between, it simply responds to the actions and vibrations that you are transmitting.
Number Three: Rich people admire other rich people, Poor people resent rich and successful people. I was definitely in this boat, especially when I moved to Vail, Colorado, and was taking rich people’s children skiing for a job. I felt that I deserved to be wealthy, and couldn’t understand why I was making low wages as a ski instructor, while all these people were on vacation in Vail. Of course, later I changed my tune, and saw their wealth and abundance as an encouragement and an inspiration to create the same for myself and my loved ones.
Number Four: Rich people are willing to promote themselves, poor people think negatively about selling and promotion. This was another thing that I was doing wrong. I thought that just by wishing to be a successful artist, the money and commissions would just come to me. Everybody who is working for money is selling themselves. It is a matter of how much personal value we can create.
Number Five: Rich people choose to get paid based on results, poor people choose to get paid based on time.
Number Six: Rich people manage their money well, poor people mismanage their money well. With this one, it is important to think about assets and liabilities. Assets are ideally increasing in value or creating cash flow for you and your business, liabilities are decreasing in value or taking cash flow from you and your business. It is very important to keep in mind that you are your number one asset. Therefore, personal development, healthy food and exercise are all valuable things to spend your money on.
Number Seven: Rich people have their money work hard for them, poor people work hard for their money. This is a similar concept. Analyze your asset column and your liability column. Don’t beat yourself up about it, just take an honest look and see where you can make changes. There is no “get rich quick” button, rather, a series of behaviors that can grow your wealth over time.
Number Eight: Rich people constantly learn and grow, poor people think they already know. Feeling poor and refusing to take action to improve your situation is like feeling bored and refusing to do anything interesting. Let’s take control of our own lives! Again, personal development is the most valuable thing that you can invest in. It can take many forms, and it should never end. Nobody has it all figured out. There is always more to learn. I feel deep gratitude to be learning and growing every day. Thanks for joining me on the journey!
And remember, Safety Third! (behind fun and learning)
This review is based on the book review by FightMediocrity on youTube:
Which is based on the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker. If somebody would like to create a review of my review of a review of T. Harv Eker’s book, I think that would be fitting. Let me know!
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