Step 1: A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for it’s fulfillment.
It is very difficult to have persistence if you do not know what you want to achieve, or if you do not care if you achieve it. Persistence comes from passion!
Step 2: A definite plan expressed in continuous action.
Take consistent daily action and you will see results.
Step 3: A mind closed tightly against all negative & discouraging influences.
Give no thought or attention to that which will impede your progress. Forwards is the only way to travel.
Step 4: A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.
This is where I can help you, and you can help me. I am creating accountability partnerships in my life, and I would like you to be involved. By having shared accountability, we can lift each other up, and achieve greater things than we could on our own. Contact me directly if you would like to start today. Communication can be via phone, email or Facebook. No money is involved.
Napoleon Hill’s 4 steps to develop persistence can help us to take control of our financial destiny. They can help us to master fear, discouragement and general indifference. Enjoy the results, and I hope to hear from you! If you’d like to hear more about how I am creating abundance in my life, click on this link from Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek. Freedom is yours for the taking!
Alec Falle Hamilton
My art links:
Alec Falle Art on Facebook
@spirit_animal_guides on Instagram
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